Having a bad credit rating can be stressful and cause issues. Having a poor financial background will also make it tough to get accepted for different loans and leave you with few choices. The alternative is to make monthly payments on a credit card and build up your score steadily. Fortunately, you can opt to repair bad credit in France from a variety of different cards, some of the best are mentioned below.
Boursorama Bank ULTIM

Boursorama Bank’s ULTIM is a free card that allows you to make free deposits and transfers overseas. [1] However, you also receive unique guarantees and a range of other valuable advantages, such as Boursorama Bank’s access to many goods and online services. Most notably, the ULTIM credit card helps you to fly with peace of mind. guarantees that any client can pay on the go for any of their needs. Other than that, via a web or app, the cardholder can track and review all their purchases online.
Visa Premier Boursorama Card

If you’re searching for a higher-end credit cards, the Visa Premier Boursorama Card could be the best choice in France for you. You don’t have to pay extra upfront to get this card, but you do have to have an open account with Boursorama Bank in advance. [2]
The great thing about this Premier Card is that, as far as purchases and withdrawals are concerned, each client has far more flexibility. For starters, in no more than a week, you can withdraw as much as 920 euros. When using EuroZone, withdrawals are free and no fee is levied when this card is renewed.
In addition, with its Visa Premier card, Boursorama offers insurance for the entire household, both for your wife or husband and for children under 24 years of age. When going overseas, children are still insured, but only if they are younger than 24.
ING MasterCard Gold

On the search for the right card, people with a poor credit record will get an amazing bundle if they apply for the ING MasterCard Gold. It gives you, along with other major advantages, more comfort, and independence. In specific, relative to other comparable cards, the ING Gold card has impressive coverage and a high spending cap. It’s still safe and stable as it provides both the purchases and transactions with insurance. [3] If you’re scheduled to fly overseas, there is also a cancellation guarantee.
Carte Visa Premier BforBank

The poor credit record in France can also be restored by BforBank’s Carte Visa Premier. It comes free of charge, meaning you don’t have to pay anything before getting this credit card when you apply.
This BforBank credit card provides a number of incentives, including several benefits for payment and withdrawal. That provides insurance that is invaluable while flying and that gives peace of mind to the cardholder and his immediate family. [4] The Carte Visa Premier travel insurance includes, in addition to other factors, four items that are relevant for any traveler:
– Airplane delay guarantee
– Warranty on Rented Cars
– Cancellation of Travel
– Baggage delay guarantee
Gold CB MasterCard France

If you want to remedy bad credit in France, our last card on the list is just as good as the others. The Gold CB MasterCard France card provides high credit caps on all transactions and deposits with high credit caps to all consumers. Besides that, there is a whole set of guarantees for assistance and insurance that could win you over and make you qualify for this MasterCard.
With this card, you will gain access to different discounted deals and enticing opportunities provided by the PriceLess Paris program. Take advantage of this program by visiting Paris for a holiday, with daily purchases and payments [5]
Finally, travelers can ride comfortably and peacefully with the Gold CB card as it comes with excellent insurance covering robbery, damage to rental cars, and for your hotel stays.
This travel insurance is available internationally and applies to your family. For hospitalization and treatment bills, medical repatriation, and so forth, you are covered up to a generous amount.
We assume that with one of the cards from our list above, everyone can correct their poor credit history in France. However, when comparing the pros and cons, it is also important to do your homework and look for more deals online. There could be deals that best serve your individual circumstances and spending needs, so before coming to a final conclusion, it’s essential to investigate them yourself.
[1] https://www.boursorama-banque.com/ultim/
[3] https://www.ing.fr/compte-courant/offres/
[4] https://www.bforbank.com/compte-bancaire/carte-visa-premier.html
[5] https://www.mastercard.fr/fr-fr/particuliers/produits-cartes/cartes-premium/gold.html