It can be very difficult to take out some sort of loan with a poor credit record and it may even seem unlikely at times. However, if you’ve found yourself in this place, there is a solution. You should apply for a credit card that will encourage your financial history to change steadily. With that said, in order to repair a poor credit score, we present some of the best German credit cards.
Barclaycard Visa
What makes the Barclaycard Visa card so enticing to many consumers all over Germany is a €0 annual fee. Much better, this credit card helps you to pay around the world for transactions and quickly withdraw cash. If you want to stop separate cash redemption costs and foreign exchange-related fees, this is the best option. Note that certain ATM companies can charge fees that Barclaycard does not refund.
The option for partial payments is among the advantages of using this credit card. In addition, a monthly rebate is possible via direct debit that brings you back at least EUR 50 or 3.5 percent of your gross card balance.
Another valuable benefit of Barclaycard Visa is that with online banking, if achieved with free direct debit or bank transfer, you will get 100 percent sales refund back at any time. Contactless payment is also given to holders and in a few seconds, an audio or visual signal can validate the payment, while a signature or PIN is no longer necessary for payments of less than EUR 50. Those who need to add family members or partners will do so with this card. [1]
TF Bank Mastercard Gold
A free credit card with additional travel insurance for the issuer and his relatives, such as the TF Bank MasterCard Gold, is suitable for people who travel a lot and need to be free of extra costs for their payments overseas.
Quite impressively, a new member has access to all of that plus a €0 annual charge, complete with a free invoice. TF Bank offers you flexible refund plans and a 51-day interest rate of 0 percent for all transactions. After that, the nominal rate for buying merchandise is 17.58 percent per year, while withdrawing cash comes with a nominal interest rate of 17.85 percent per year. [2] This card is sponsored by about 2 million ATMs, as well as about 20 million shops and online retailers across the globe.
DKB Cash Credit Card
As it makes free worldwide transfers, the DKB Cash credit card (VISA) is a free card. If you accumulate €700 in monthly installments, you will indefinitely receive the advantage of this card. Wherever a VISA card is accepted as a means of payment, holders can conveniently withdraw money from any ATM in the world to pay for goods and services. Another benefit is that with a free app, you can control your portfolio, along with the possibility of getting a call account and usually take advantage of an interest rate of 0.01 percent for EUR 100,000, and 0 percent above that figure.
Other than that, this card can be used online for free transfers of money or for withdrawing cash in person from some shopping stores without fees, as well as for contactless payment in Europe for transactions of up to EUR 25 in one million locations, without needing to enter a PIN. [3]
Genial Card
The Genial Card, another free credit card, can be bought from the Hanseatic Bank and comes with quite a few advantages. There are no monthly payments involved, or card fees while going overseas, or cash withdrawal fees on ATMs. You can configure and pay off the payments in increments, while the monthly interest rate is 3% or at least €20. In addition, cardholders can move cash to a checking account and choose the kind of rebate they want. [4]
Visa World Card
What the Visa World Card gives its buyers is safe worldwide transactions online and in shops. You don’t have to have a bank account to use this credit card, because it comes with fraud prevention and shipping promises, as well as online credit card receipts and sales history. It is quick, simple, and safe to pay with a Visa World Card, wherever you are in the world. Without any issues, you can purchase clothing, book a room, pay for a holiday, or have a coffee at a gas station. [5]
It’s best that you read online and compare numerous choices before picking your next credit card. Although the above deals are among Germany’s best credit cards for repairing poor credit, you can also find other cards with terms that are more suited for your particular case.